Customer Testimonials

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What they’re all saying……

“I came across United States Fur Group / KaMoshen, Inc. upon browsing the internet for a genuine mink fur coat that would be truly unique at the best price. They came up first and I liked them immediately. Their longstanding experience in the fur industry certainly helped to build trust instantaneously in their extensive and gorgeous inventory. Highly recommend. Professional workmanship and professional and caring customer service. Thank you!”

New York, NY

Olivia T.

Wow! In the many years that I have been dedicated to my personal furrier, Paul at United States Fur Group / KaMoshen, Inc. he has never ceased to amaze me. His fur creations are of such high quality and style. Also, Paul’s expertise in repair and remodeling of my furs when needed is beyond my expectations. He always tries to schedule accommodating studio appointment times and makes me feel so welcome when I arrive.”


Brooklyn, NY

“My husband and I had such a wonderful experience shopping online with United States Fur Group / KaMoshen, Inc. First and most important to us was the fact that you can actually call them to talk about your purchases and custom orders. In fact, they encourage it and stand by making sure that their customers are 100% satisfied. Can’t wait to buy more fur!


Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan

Los Angeles, CA


“Just purchased my first fur coat from United States Fur Group / KaMoshen, Inc. online store. Knowing very little about genuine fur types I was initially hesitant about making this investment. In addition to their extensive inventory of unisex and men’s fur coats and apparel, I was impressed that they took the time to personally explain to me the quality, value and durability, etc. of each type of fur I was interested in. Needless to say, I now own a black mink fur baseball style bomber jacket and feel like royalty every time I wear it.”

“ While I was shopping on their website for fur accessories I thought to contact them and ask whether they do fur storage, cleaning & glazing, as well as, repair and remodeling of my fur pieces. Their response was “of course, we are a full service 4th generation fur company and would be pleased to help you.” I felt like I hit the jackpot. Not only did I buy incredible handmade fur headbands and earmuffs in a variety of genuine fur types and colors (fox, mink and sable), I had all my fur needs taken care of by the most trusted furriers in Manhattan, New York City.”

Susan D.

Houston, TX

“Being the fur lover that I am, I owe immense gratitude to United States Fur Group / KaMoshen, Inc. because when I came to their studio with my inherited unwearable mink fur coat, I was lost as to what to do with it. They are imaginative designers of fur trimmed home decor and suggested that I make custom pillows or a throw blanket with the fur. INCREDIBLY HAPPY I listened because with their honesty and integrity, too, they used every inch of fur I had to make a fur throw blanket and matching pillow for my couch! Love the look and plan to fur trim my living room lampshade with their matching mink fur skins!”

Vivienne M.

Long Island, NY

Popular Furs

Chinchilla Rex Lapin

Chinchilla Rex Lapin is a plush, exotic, much more rare, ranch raised type of rabbit. The fur has nothing in common with the fur of a standard rabbit. It is more similar to fur of the Chinchilla.*This fur does not shed*

Sheared Beaver

Soft, plush texture; evenly sheared and colored; silky to the touch

(Long Haired)



Long guard hairs over dense underfur; sheen look to guard hairs; thick underfur


Coyote Parka

Coyote Long haired fur; often tan or gray in color; durable and warm; long guard hair; thick underfur


Longhaired fur; wide range of colors; long, soft guard hairs; good color


Long, wavy hair, often dyed; long, silky hair; not frizzy


Natural sheepskin with leather side sueded; soft suede; even shearing


Tight curls; usually black, brown, and gray; silky curls; soft, light leather
Lightweight with silky guard hairs and dense underfur; soft, full fur; silky and lustrous look


Long guard hairs over thick underfur; may be dyed or sheared; silvery tone; plenty of guard hair and heavy underfur

Sable – The Ultimate

Opulent Natural Sable

Sable is the most expensive and sought after fur around the world. Historically, wars were raged over this type of fur and when you see it and feel it you will see why.

Soft, silky fur; generally expensive; soft deep fur with silky guard hairs

Vintage Furs

Shop one of North America’s largest collection of rare, one of a kind, vintage furs:

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About Us

4th Generation American Furriers originally from the Historic New York Wholesale Fur Market

KaMoshen, United States Fur Group is a true reflection of the American Fur manufacturing tradition. As Fourth Generation internationally renown New York Furriers, it’s Master Furrier Paul has consistently throughout the years been at the center of the fur fashion industry designing breathtaking fur creations worn throughout the world, on stage and screen, too.

Today KaMoshen, Inc.,United States Fur Group continues this legacy of manufacturing with honesty and integrity high quality fine fur coats, apparel, hats, accessories, home decor and more that blend tradition with “ahead of its time” innovation and style.

So, please do not hesitate to contact us directly if any questions about our extensive inventory or to consult with an expert on servicing, repairing, remodeling, or restyling your personal fur items.

Always at your service. Our most important desire is that each and every customer is treated like royalty and 100% satisfied.

Thank you shopping online with us!

Questions & Consultations Call 1 212 268 0820 or 1 888 FineFurs (1-888 346 3387)